Potato Mash Recipe
Cuisine: Indian
Author: EasyRecipes .
Learn how to make Potato Mash recipe at home. Potatos boiled and mashed If you find this Potato Mash recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Potato Mash recipe, so that any one can make this Potato Mash very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
  • Potato
  • butter
  • Hot Milk
  • Salt
  • Bread Slices
  • Boiled Egg
  1. Boil water, add 5 or 6 good potatoes and cook until potatoes are tender.
  2. Wash and peel.
  3. Mash well the potatoes with hand or with the help of a masher.
  4. Add 3 table spoons of butter, quarter cup of hot milk and mix thoroughly.
  5. Add enough salt and mix again.
  6. With a couple of toasted bred slices and a boiled egg, potato smash makes a very good breakfast.
Recipe by Mithila.net at http://www.mithila.net/break-fast/potato-mash-recipe-4487.html