Paneer Indian Cheese
Cuisine: Indian
Author: EasyRecipes .
Paneer is a homemade Indian cheese that is used in making different desserts, appetizers and main course dishes. Paneer is very versatile, soft and blends well with creamy sauces. It is usually served as an appeizer or accompaniment to a main course.
  • Vinegar Or Lemon Juice 30 ml
  • Pepper 1 Pinch
  • Mualin Cloth 1 Piece
  • Milk 1000 ml
  • Mint 1 Pinch
  • Cumin 1 Pinch
  1. Pour the milk into the pan.
  2. Bring the milk to a gentle simmer. .
  3. start to slowly stir in the lemon juice or vinegar, about a tablespoonful at a time. The milk will begin to curdle. This is "curds and whey".
  4. drain off the whey, keeping the curds.
  5. Dump the curds out onto the cloth (it will be messy), wrap them up, and squeeze the cloth to get the whey out.
  6. Fold the curds up in the cloth, , then balance the big pot, full of cold water, on top
  7. cut after resting it for a hour and is ready to cook
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