Home >> Break Fast >> GOLD COIN CHICKEN


Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 6
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Bread discs topped with spicy chicken mixture sprinkled with sesame seeds and deep fried till perfection.Chicken gold coin. it is a chinese style gold coin made with chicken. this yummy lip smacking gold coin waters your mouth and it is a perfect snack for a party.
  • Coriander Chopped 1 Bunch
  • Spring Onions Chopped 2 Teaspoons
  • Garlic Chopped 1 Teaspoons
  • Green Chilly Chopped 3 Numbers
  • Egg (beaten) 2 Numbers
  • Bread 4 Slice
  • Chicken 250 Grams
  • Sesame Seeds 3 Tablespoons
  • Oil For Deep Fry 3 Cup
  • Salt To Taste
  1. Take a bowl add minced chicken, add chopped green chilly, chopped garlic, slat, spring onions, chopped coriander leaves, and add beaten egg, mix it well.
  2. Cut rounds from the bread slices using a cutter or a lid. Take the mixture put it on the bread slice, sprinkle sesame seeds top of this apply egg wash and deep fry in the oil on a medium flame till golden.
  3. Serve this hot with your favorite sauce.
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