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Horse Gram Stuffed Idli

Horse Gram Stuffed Idli
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 1
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Horse gram is soaked overnight and cooked till soft. It is then ground into paste and briefly cooked in tempered oil along with spices. The horse gram mixture is then stuffed in idli batter. Idli is steamed and horse gram stuffed idli is served with any chutney of your choice.
  • Idli Batter ¾ Cup
  • Horse Gram ½ Cup
  • Green Chiles 1 – 2
  • Turmeric Powder a big Pinch
  • Cumin Seeds ¼ tsp
  • Cilantro few Sprigs
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil 1 tsp
  • Ghee to grease idly moulds
  1. Wash and soak the horse gram in enough water overnight.
  2. Next day refresh the water and pressure cook in around 2 cups of water for 4 – 5 whistles.
  3. Strain the cooked horse gram and reserve the liquid.
  4. Grind the horse gram into paste with enough salt.
  5. Make sure not to add extra water (reserved liquid) to grinding mixture until necessary.
  6. Remove stems, wash and roughly chop the green chiles.
  7. Grind the green chiles into paste using a blender.
  8. Heat oil in a pan, add cumin seeds and fry till they turn golden brown.
  9. Add green chile paste and fry briefly.
  10. Stir in ground horse gram, turmeric powder and salt.
  11. Fry for couple of minutes and remove from heat.
  12. Once the mixture is warm enough to handle, form the horse gram mixture into small discs.
  13. Grease idli moulds with few drops of ghee.
  14. Pour a tbsp of idli batter in each idli mould.
  15. Layer the batter with prepared horse gram disc.
  16. Layer few more tablespoons of idli batter on the green peas disc to cover it.
  17. Place the idli stand in steamer.
  18. Steam the idli for around 8 – 10 minutes.
  19. Leave the idli outside for a minute or two to cool them down after applying a drop of ghee on each idli so that the top layer doesn’t dry out..
  20. Carefully remove the idli from idli mould with help of a spoon.
  21. garnish with chopped cilantro and serve horse gram stuffed idli any chutney of your choice.
Make sure idli is steamed well before removing from heat. Suggestions: If horse gram is not cooked well, boil in enough water till they turn soft. Since the skin is pretty thick, it will never be too soft to grind.
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