Home >> Break Fast >> Jain Spicy Corn Toast

Jain Spicy Corn Toast

Jain Spicy Corn Toast
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 3
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This is a cheesy spicy corn recipe which can be served at any time of the day,can even be served as a starter.
  • 1 cup sweet corn kernels (makai ke dane)
  • 2 slices whole wheat bread
  • 1" block cheddar cheese
  • ¼ medium green capsicum , chopped
  • 1 green chili
  • ¼ tsp dry red chilli flakes (paprika)
  • dried basil for sprinkling
  • salt to taste
  1. Boil the sweet corn for 4-5 minutes and keep aside to cool.
  2. Combine the sweet corn with half the cheese and the other ingredients except capsicum and bread and blend in a mixer till smooth.
  3. On a tava, toast the bread slice on one side.
  4. On the toasted side of the bread,spread a layer of the sweet corn cheese mixture.
  5. Sprinkle with some chopped green pepper and grated cheese.
  6. Toast the other side of bread ,covering it with a lid this time to melt the cheese.
  7. Serve with tomato ketchup.
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