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Oats Pakodi Recipe

Oats Pakodi Recipe
Recipe type: Snacks
Serves: 4
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Learn how to make Oats Pakodi recipe at home. Oats pakodi is a healthy spicy continental recipe with the combination of oats and spinach. Kids will love to enjoy this evening snack dish. If you find this Oats Pakodi recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Oats Pakodi recipe, so that any one can make this Oats Pakodi very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
  • Oats – 1 cup
  • Spinach (Palakura) chopped – 2 cups
  • Green chilies – 2
  • Grated ginger – 1 spoon
  • Red chilli powder – pinch
  • Turmeric – pinch
  • Cumin seeds – 1 spoon
  • Curry leaves – 10
  • Oil to fry
  • Salt to taste
  1. Roast the oats in a pan.
  2. Boil a cup of water, with this water make roasted oats just as pakodi dough.
  3. Grind green chilies and grated ginger into paste and mix it in the dough.
  4. Now add finely chopped spinach into it.
  5. Finally add turmeric, salt, curry leaves, red chilli powder and cumin seeds. Mix them well add water if necessary.
  6. Now heat oil in a pan, when oil gets heated drop this dough just like pakodi and fry them till they turn to golden red.
  7. Serve oats pakodi hot along with sauce.
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