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brinjal and cucumber chutney

brinjal and cucumber chutney
Recipe type: Pickles
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 3
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Brinjal & cucumber chutney or Vankaaya dosakaya pachadi is popularly made in Andhra cuisine and made with eggplants and the lemon cucumber that gives a tangy taste and crispness to the fresh chutney.
  • Curry Leaves Bunch
  • Split Urad Dal Pinch
  • Chana Dal Pinch
  • Red Chilles Dried 3 -4 inch
  • Cumin Seeds Pinch
  • Mustard Seeds Pinch
  • Salt 1 Tsp
  • Tamarind Little
  • GARLIC 5 to 6
  • Brinjal 4 Numbers
  • Green Chilles 5 to 6 Big
  • Dosakai(cucumber) ½ Numbers
  • Hing Pinch
  1. Clean Brinjal and cut into small pieces.
  2. Take a pan put oil into it add green chillies, garlic,tamarined and cut brinjal let it cook untill brinjal changes its colour.
  3. when it is done remove from the pan and put it in a blender.
  4. Blend very little
  5. Cut Cucumber into small pieces add the blended brijal mixture into it.
  6. Now temper the Cucumber and brinjal mixture, add oil in a pan put mustard seeds,cumin seeds, red hillies dried,chana dal, split urad dal, curry leaves, pinch hing once it is done mix it to Cucumber and brinjal mixture.
  7. Lastly add salt and coriander leaves finely chopped.
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