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Cranberry Chutney

Cranberry Chutney
Recipe type: Pickles
Cuisine: Indian
Plum cranberry chutney is one of the amazing condiment recipes made combined with fresh cranberries, green chillies, ginger, garlic and jaggery.
  • Fresh Cranberries 1 Cup
  • Chopped Green Chillies 3 Numbers
  • Ginger Sliced 1 Piece
  • Garlic Chopped 4 Numbers
  • Green Coriander ½ Bunch
  • Jaggery 1 Tablespoons
  • Cumin Seeds ½ Teaspoons
  • Salt 1 To Taste
  • Oil 1 Tablespoons
  1. Heat some oil in the pan and add cumin seeds.when the crackle add the sliced ginger
  2. chopped garlic to it.when they are fried add the cranberries and green chillies.
  3. Let it cook on medium heat till they are completly cooked and cranerries are softer.now add the chopped coriander
  4. cover it with lid and let it cook.add some water in between and let it cook.
  5. Add the salt according to ur taste and the jaggery to it.
  6. When completely cooked put the mixture in the blender and blend it to fine paste.check the seasoning and
  7. your tasty chutney is ready.you can have it with any of ur snacks. INGREDIENTS:- 1 pint of fresh cranberries
  8. to 4 chopped green chillies according to ur taste
  9. " piece of ginger sliced
  10. cloves of garlic chopped (optional)
  11. to 4 sprigs of green coriander finely chopped
  12. gm of jaggery or sugar
  13. tsp of cumin seeds
  14. salt to taste,1 tbsp of oil
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