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Berry fruit salad with crunchy yoghurt

Berry fruit salad with crunchy yoghurt
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
Prep time:
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This mixed fruit salad is perfect for summer time when berries are in season.
  • 250g punnet strawberries, hulled, halved
  • 200g punnet raspberries
  • 1 cup vanilla yoghurt
  • 1 cup toasted muesli
  • ½ rockmelon, seeded, peeled chopped
  • ½ lime, juiced
  • Lime wedges, to serve
  1. Toss together rockmelon, berries and lime juice.
  2. Mix together yoghurt and muesli. Serve fruit salad topped with a dollop of crunchy muesli yoghurt and lime wedges.
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