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Chocolate marzipan recipe

Chocolate marzipan recipe
Recipe type: sweets
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
Prep time:
Cook time:
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easy to make chocolate marzipan vegan recipe
  • 1 cup cashewnuts
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ tsp vanilla powder or 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp water
  • ½ cup dessicated coconut
  • some sunflower oil to make the marzipan
  1. grind the cashews with enough water (approx ¼ to ½ cup water) to make a smooth paste.
  2. in a pan add the sugar and 2 tbsp water.
  3. lheat the pan so that the sugar melts.
  4. add the cashewnut paste to this.
  5. mix and let the mixture thicken.
  6. now add the cocoa powder and vanilla powder or extract.
  7. mix well and continue to stir the mixture till it thickens.
  8. when it is thick enough, cool this mixture.
  9. now shape them in fruits or flowers in moulds or shape them with your hands.
  10. apply some oil to the moulds or your palms while shaping the marzipan.
  11. roll the marzipan in dessicated coconut
  12. serve chocolate marzipan directly. you can also keep chocolate marzipan in an air tight container and keep in the fridge.
1: this chocolate marzipan recipe can be easily doubled or tripled.
2: you can use almonds instead of cashews or both.
3: the marzipan can also be used as an icing on cakes.
4: if the mixture is not enough thick to be rolled into shapes after cooling, then reheat it again and let it thicken.
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