Home >> Non-Veg Recipes >> Peshawari chicken

Peshawari chicken

Peshawari chicken
Recipe type: Non-veg
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
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chicken and tomatoes
  • Haldi ½ Teaspoons
  • Oil To Fry
  • Salt As Reqiured To Taste
  • Green Chillies 15 Numbers
  • Tomatoes 600 Grams
  • Chicken 500 Grams
  • Corriander Leaves ½ Bunch
  1. first marinate the chicken with haldi powder and salt for ½ an hour and add oil in a pan and deep fry it afer ½ an hour. then in another pan take oil 5 to 6 tsp and add finely chopped green chilies and tomato puree then add chicken and let it cook for 20 minutes as it starts to leave oil, garnish it with corrionder leaves... it will be yummy with rice and chappatis.
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