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Chicken Stock

Chicken Stock
Recipe type: soups
Cuisine: Indian
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An excellent broth/ stock/ liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered and cooked for few hours until done. This stock is generally used as base for most soups and gravies.
  • Mix Vegetable Trimings 1 Numbers
  • Chicken Bones 1 Numbers
  • Pepper Corns 10 Numbers
  • Water as needed Cup
  • Dry Garam Masalas 2 Numbers
  • Coriader Stems 4 Numbers
  • Coriander Seeds 1 Teaspoons
  • Cumin Seeds 1 Teaspoons
  • All Type Of Vegetables 1 number each
  • Garlic Cloves 5 Numbers
  • Green Chili 2 Numbers
  1. In a big bowl add water add all the dry garam masalas,pepper, coriander seeds, cumin seeds,
  2. all kinds of vegetables, green chillies, garlic cloves,chicken bones and boil for 2hrs.after 2 hrs chicken stock is ready
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