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Jarda Pulao

Jarda Pulao
Recipe type: sweets
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
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Jarda Pulav is a luscious sweet saffron rice specially made during eid festivals.Mawa or coconut or any spices can also be added in the pulav to enhance the flavour.
  • Basmati Rice 1 Cup
  • Water 1 Cup
  • Milk Or Cream 1 Cup
  • Butter 2 Tablespoons
  • Sugar ¾ Cup
  • Coconut Powder 1 Tablespoons
  • Koya 1 Cup
  • All Dry Fruits ½ Cup
  • Saffron 1 Pinch
  • Pineapple 1 Cup
  • Cardamom 2 Numbers
  1. Soak rice in water for 30 min
  2. take a pan add butter,all dry fruits,saffron, remove water from rice and add to this mix verylittle.
  3. Now add coconut powder then water,close it with a lid for 5 min.
  4. Now open the lid add sugar to it mix,add milk do not mix close with the lid for 5 mins
  5. lastly add koya or paneer,pinepple,and cardamom powder to it cook for 2 min.
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