Home >> Deserts >> Paneer Jamun Recipe

Paneer Jamun Recipe

Paneer Jamun Recipe
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
Prep time:
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Total time:
Learn how to make Paneer Jamun recipe at home. Paneer Jamun is a delicious sweet recipe, which looks yummy. It is the recipe which people likely to have on festive seasons and children will like most. If you find this Paneer Jamun recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Paneer Jamun recipe, so that any one can make this Paneer Jamun very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
  • Paneer – ½ cup
  • Kova – 1 cup
  • Baking Powder – ¼ spoon
  • Maida Flour – 4 table spoons
  • Milk – ½ cup
  • Sugar – 2 cups
  • Elachi Powder – to taste
  • Ghee
  1. Mix kova, paneer, baking powder and maida flour with milk.
  2. Take the above mixture and make it into small round balls.
  3. Fry those panner balls in ghee and keep a side.
  4. Make the sugar syrup, by boiling the water and sugar in a bowl.
  5. When the sugar syrup gets cool, add panner jamun in it and leave it for some time.
  6. Take Panner jamun into a serving bowl by adding elachi powder.
  7. Now your tasty Paneer Jamun is ready to have.
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