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Special Saggu Biyyam Payasam Recipe

Special Saggu Biyyam Payasam Recipe
Recipe type: sweets
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 3
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Learn how to make Special Saggu Biyyam Payasam recipe at home. Sago - Coconut Pudding If you find this Special Saggu Biyyam Payasam recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Special Saggu Biyyam Payasam recipe, so that any one can make this Special Saggu Biyyam Payasam very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
  • 1) Sago : 100 Grams
  • 2) Grated Coconut : 1 Cup
  • 3) Sugar : 250 Grams
  • 4) Milk : 4 Cups
  • 5) Cardamom powder : 1 Spoon
  • 6) Cashew : 50 Grams
  • 7) Ghee : 50 Grams
  1. ) Fry the grated coconut powder and cashews in ghee, separately
  2. ) Put a vessel on the stove and boil the milk. Add Sago and cook for some time
  3. ) Add cashew and cardamom powder
  4. ) Cook until sago is tender and transparent
  5. ) Add sugar, stir well and allow to be cooked for about 5 minutes
  6. ) Put off the flame
  7. ) Serve hot or Cool
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