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Khajur Imli Ki Chutney ( Non- Fried Snacks )

Khajur Imli Ki Chutney ( Non- Fried Snacks )
Recipe type: veg recipes
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 10
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Khajur imli ki chutney, this iron-rich chutney is a traditional and very common one, but never fails to impress. It is a safe bet to serve during any party as you can be sure your guests will like it.
  • 1 cup deseeded dates (khajur)
  • 2 tbsp deseeded tamarind (imli)
  • ½ cup grated jaggery (gur)
  • ½ tsp chilli powder
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds (jeera) powder
  • salt to taste1 cup deseeded dates (khajur) 2 tbsp deseeded tamarind (imli) ½ cup grated jaggery (gur) ½ tsp chilli powder 1 tsp cumin seeds (jeera) powder salt to taste
  1. Clean and wash the dates and tamarind.
  2. Add the jaggery and 1 cup of water and pressure cook for 2 whistles.
  3. Allow the steam to escape and blend in a mixer to a smooth paste.
  4. Strain the mixture through a sieve.
  5. Add 1 cup of water, chilli powder, cumin seeds powder and salt and mix well. Use as required. Store refrigerated.
  6. Clean and wash the dates and tamarind. Add the jaggery and 1 cup of water and pressure cook for 2 whistles. Allow the steam to escape and blend in a mixer to a smooth paste. Strain the mixture through a sieve. Add 1 cup of water, chilli powder, cumin seeds powder and salt and mix well. Use as required. Store refrigerated.

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