Home >> Salads >> Orange Pineapple Salad Recipe

Orange Pineapple Salad Recipe

Orange Pineapple Salad Recipe
Recipe type: Appetiser
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 2
Prep time:
Total time:
Learn how to make Orange Pineapple Salad recipe at home. Orange pineapple salad is a delicious and tasty fruit salad. This is the combination of Orange and pineapple fruits which are healthy. So the complete making of Orange pineapple salad is mentioned below. If you find this Orange Pineapple Salad recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Orange Pineapple Salad recipe, so that any one can make this Orange Pineapple Salad very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
  • Pineapple pieces – 2 cups
  • Orange pulp – 2 cups
  • Sour cream – 1 cup
  • Coconut powder – 2 spoons
  • Sweet syrup or powder– 1 spoon
  1. Preparation of Orange pineapple salad:
  2. Take a bowl and mix well Pineapple pieces, Orange pulp and sour cream.
  3. Now add Sweet syrup or powder and chill it by refrigerating it.
  4. Before serving garnish this by sprinkling coconut powder on it.
  5. This chilled Orange pineapple salad is not only tasty but also healthy.
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