Ginni Biscuits Recipe

Learn how to make Ginni Biscuits recipe at home. This is type of Biscuit.Very easy to prepare and very tasty. If you find this Ginni Biscuits recipe is useful then please share with your friends. Here we have given list of ingredients and procedure on how to make Ginni Biscuits recipe, so that any one can make this Ginni Biscuits very easily without any experiance on making this recipe.
- Maida 1 Cup
- Senagapindi 1 Cup
- Upmaravva 1 Cup
- Sugar 1 Cup
- Baking Power 1 Tea Spoon
- Ghee 1 Cup
- Mix all the Ingrediants except Ghee.
- Take a pan and add ghee under high flame for 3 min.
- Add Ghee to ingrediants slowly and mix well.
- Paste will be formed. Make it into small biscuit shapes.
- Taka a tray and apply Oil at the bottom. Transfer the biscuits into the tray and keep it in cooker and cook for 45 min.
- Warm biscuits are ready to serve.