Home >> Deserts >> Egg less Cashew Nut Cookies

Egg less Cashew Nut Cookies

Egg less Cashew Nut Cookies
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 4
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Cashew nut cookies are pretty easy going. These bite-size cookie are mindblowing if You can use more cashews and less flour if you like your cookies really nutty.
  • All Purpose Flour 180 Grams
  • Vanilla Essence ¼ Teaspoons
  • Sugar Powder 85 Grams
  • Butter 85 Grams
  • Cashew Nuts 55 Grams
  • Milk 15 ml
  1. Take a bowl add butter, powder sugar cream it, add vanilla essence, cashew nuts, all purpose flour, mix this
  2. and add milk, mix this like a dough, roll the dough into thin sheet, sprinkle the cashew nuts pieces and sugar and run the rolling pin on the top of the sheet, then cut them into square pieces,
  3. transfer into baking tray bake them at 180 c for 15 minutes.
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